
Learn more about Atlas' features and how programming Spatial Sound couldn't be easier!

Atlas Outputs OSC to your chosen Spatial Audio Processor, simply build your show offline, connect to your device and let Atlas take control of the rest.


Easily control your objects parameters

  1. Easy to Position
  2. Quickly Change Spread
  3. Enable and Disable Trackers
  4. Positions can be set using Palettes
  5. Atlas will Move in Mute
  6. Multi Edit Objects
  7. Can be parked when not in use
  8. Can be forced into their last properties when using Standby Selected
  9. Locked Objects wont be affected by the cue list but can still be moved with the Overview

Tracking Technologies

Atlas integrates performer Tracking Technologies

  1. Supports ZacTrack & TiMaxD4 Systems
  2. Use Boundaries to keep Objects where you need them
  3. Stabilise incoming tracking data
  4. Trackers can be programed within cues like normal Position Modules
  5. Lock movement to chosen Axis
  6. Catch Objects within a defined radius
  7. Move in Mute to a locations after tracking


Palettes are a powerful tool in Atlas, both Custom OSC and Position palettes are available.

  1. No more Strings! Use Atlas to build palettes with Objects
  2. Define a position or palette properties once and reference throughout the cue list.
  3. Custom Palettes appear as dropdowns within the cue list.
  4. User friendly programming without all the OSC Strings

Program Offline

Atlas allows the user to program offline without the need for a device.

  1. Simulated OSC Data is shown right on the Overview when a device isn't connected.
  2. When devices are connected the Overview is drawing live data from the device.
  3. Reposition, lock and adjust spread of objects right from the Overview.

External Controllers

Control Atlas from your Console

  1. Keep your consoles in sync with Atlas and other external controllers
  2. Up to 3 Consoles all in sync
  3. Opt objects in/out and Patch Channels to Objects
  4. Bi-Directional Communication between devices and All Spatial Engines

Cue Matrix

A Different take on your cue list

  1. Edit Cues in Real Time
  2. Batch Edit Cues
  3. Quickly add TimeCode & External Device Modules
  4. Edit modules from within the Cue-Matrix


Everything you need to see an overview of your show and all spatial objects

  1. Drag your object to new positions
  2. Lock Objects to stop the cue list moving them
  3. Works offline
  4. Can be opened in separate window or within the main workspace.
  5. Filter by Sets to only view the objects you need
  6. Easily bring Objects in the background to the front of the workspace.
  7. Quickly change between Mapping Planes and scene background
  8. Rotate the scene background to align with the stage orientation.

Object Groups

Easily control multiple Objects

  1. Control multiple objects with groups
  2. Program Groups and individual Objects as you need.
  3. Applying parameters to Groups will cause all objects associated to change unless you have programmed them into the cue.
  4. Objects have a Position and Spread Offset relative to the group.

Object Overview

The Parameters you need at your fingertips

  1. Edit Parameters in real time
  2. Dynamically Link Objects to quickly edit
  3. Works offline
  4. Quick Object selection by Set

External Devices

Trigger everything you need, All External Trigger Controls can also be trigged via OSC

  1. Multiple Wildcard commands that are referenced throughout the cue list
  2. OSC Triggers are easily enabled and disabled per device
  3. Include custom OSC strings on Atlas commands, for example pause QLab when the operator panics Atlas
  4. Wildcards in the setup appear as textfields in the cue list
  5. Can be easily Searched within the cue list.
  6. Multiple IP Addresses and ports assignable to Devices
  7. Ability to be included in Standby Selected
  8. Iterations for messages, send multiple OSC Messages with different values within one Message

Live Move Errors

Utilise Atlas' knowledge of previous cues to warn you of Live Moves

  1. Spot & solve live moves
  2. Updated automatically when drawing.
  3. Duplicate playback of modules are spotted when programming

Multiple Scene Background

Multiple Scene Backgrounds on a cue by cue basis that be rotated.

  1. Quickly Change between scene backgrounds for different pieces of scenery in the same Mapping Plane
  2. Change between Mapping planes with the press of a button
  3. View as little or as much as you need!

Standby Selected

Need to set back quickly during rehearsals? With Standby Selected simple select the cue you want to standby for.

  1. Set everything back so you never get out of sequence again
  2. External Devices can be opted into Standby Selected
  3. Trackers Reenabled after stopping
  4. Atlas sets you back as if you had run your show from your first cue
  5. Including Positions of all Objects and Custom Palettes

Shape Generator

Send objects around the space using Atlas' Shape Generator

  1. Auto-Reverse
  2. Repeat number infinitely ot a set amount of times
  3. Set a start offset

Atlas is a powerful Show Control application for macOS and is designed to work with audio system processors that handle object based position data in spatial audio. Atlas takes the complexity out of programming location based information for objects on a stage and manages their positions, journeys and characteristics all from within a user friendly programming environment. Atlas talks to the audio system processor via OSC, is simple to set up, import objects and to program! It’s designed to speed up your workflow, reduce complex OSC programming and allow you to focus on where objects are in a space rather than the OSC messages to get them there. When you program in Atlas it takes all of the objects upcoming positions into account therefore allowing Atlas to move an object in mute so its ready for its next scene, parking objects for when an object isn’t on stage by moving the object to a given location so its out of the way. With the ability to have Palette referenced in the cue list it gives you once place to edit and operate your show from.


  1. Control object's positions & spreads and other attributes
  2. Integrated with ZacTracks Trackers for ultimate control
  3. Using Palette you remove the need to remember complex strings
  4. Build OSC Templates and Palette to make programming even quicker
  5. Automatically Park Objects out of the way when they aren't in the scene.
  6. Control up to three OSC Devices on different interfaces for redundant Audio Control
  7. Trigger External Devices, ie QLab, Live Professor, your Sound or Lighting consoles - with ability to quickly enable/disable their outputs
  8. Use our shape generator to send objects around your space
  9. Live Moves & Move in Mute for objects
  10. Standby Selected, the quickest way to set back your devices in tech so you are never out of sequence.
  11. Accepts MIDI & OSC for cue list control, along with OSC Wildcards for External devices
  12. Filter Objects by Sets or by search
  13. Lock objects to disable cue list control allowing only the Overview to move them
  14. Custom background and rotation on a cue by cue basis.
  15. Atlas is free to download but does require a Licence for OSC Output.

    System Requirements

  1. Apple Silicon Processor (M1 upwards) - Atlas is compatible with Intel Machines however for Performances we recommend Apple Silicon.
  2. Running MacOS 13 or Higher

Used on:

If you think you have a project that would suit using Atlas, please get in contact.

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